

Friday, July 23, 2010

Art Fair!!

I LOVE Art Fair, love it love it love it. It runs Wednesday through Saturday, but really seems to start on Monday, when the streets start getting closed off, and the booth boundaries get marked. The first two days of the fair, I went out with a friend at lunch time, and we poked around, chatted with people we knew and didn't buy anything except some candied almonds. I've gone out by myself in the evenings, and last evening, I bumped into a friend from the book club, and we wandered along together.

Anyway, the first evening out, I made an impulse purchase:
Isn't that gorgeous? It's 8" on a side, and it's all stones carefully placed on a piece of slate. I kept looking at it and looking at it and looking at it, and well, it had to go home with me. If you want to see more of the artists' work, check out their website.

I also made a very conscious purchase. In addition to the "official" art fairs, there are a couple of "private" art fairs. At one of these, I've gotten in the habit over the years of buying a dress or top. This year, it was a spaghetti-strapped dress with this darling painted on it:
The vendor is called "Creations by Tina," and she's based in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. I was unable to track down a working website. She paints jersey dresses all over and then puts a large motif in the sternum area. My only cavil with this dress is that it didn't have pockets. I had to install some side-seam pockets yesterday morning before I could wear it to work. Of course, when you're 50, and you haven't done much "working out," you wear a T-shirt under the dress...

Next, I've been spinning along for the Tour de Fleece. Here is what I've done over the past week or so:
I'm so pleased with how pretty it is!!

Finally, I want you to see what the Yarn Piggy did with the piece of hand-dyed fabric I sent her last month. So, check out her blog.

I opened the front door today, and I think we'll be able to swim to work - yeah. Hot and HUMID!!


Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

WOW, I LOVE that slate piece! I LOVE it! Hubby and I have been oogling slate art for a while now at different fairs. There will be a day!

sara said...

Ditto! I love that piece, too!

Anonymous said...

Love the slate piece and the dress! I feel bad for the artists that we have had so much rain this year.

Liz in Ypsilanti said...

No kidding! We had a pretty dry, albeit hot and humid, month; Art Fair arrives, and we get torrential rains two days in a row! Now, I will confess that I am at least partially responsible. I had an elephant ear on Thursday, and as I was finishing it, the rain came. Friday, over the lunch hour, I stopped by and got a second elephant ear, and as I was finishing it, the rain came. To my credit, I was NOT eating an elephant ear on Friday evening when the rain came really hard.