

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sewing Room and Dyeing

There is a quilting group at the large institution at which I work that includes people who work in many different buildings - sort of a one person runs into another and invites her sort of group. Anyway, an e-mail went out on Friday morning that someone was having a moving sale and had sewing room furniture to sell. I contacted the seller and here are pictures of my sewing table before (my mother's old sewing machine cabinet - please notice slanting sides, etc.):

and after (please notice the large surface on which I can put the acrylic extension and not have items flopping around when I'm trying to sew on them):
She was also selling those large plastic bins, so I'll be able to stash WIPs under the table, close at hand, and not on top of the cutting table where I have to cover them with a blanket to keep away the cat hair.

Here is the view out of my sewing room (it was a rainy Sunday afternoon when I took this picture).
My dyeing group is getting together this coming Saturday, and I'm getting a jump with some preparatory steps, including gathering the fabrics I'm going to take:
Yes, three boxes' worth. I think I'm nuts.

When I was organizing the dyeing supplies, I came across this note, and I'll leave this blog for now and try to post later today with pictures of actual colored fabric, etc.


sara said...

That is my favorite quote from the Talmud.

Anonymous said...

Your new sewing table is fantastic!